Thursday, November 28, 2013

My Thoughts On: Being Thankful

Today is Thanksgiving.  Of course I'm thankful all year for a LOT of stuff, and I tell the Lord that all the time.  The Big 3 for me are His Son, my family and my health.  I thought it might be fun to come up with a list of some of the little things I'm thankful for each day.  So in no particular order, here are twenty-five of them.

1. heated seats in my car
2. books you stay up way later than you should so you can finish them
3. friends who will tell you you have something in your teeth
4. that my kids are no longer infants
5. that my kids are not yet teenagers
6. drinking my first cup of coffee in the morning in absolute silence in my house
7. summers off
8. that my husband still thinks I'm smokin' hot after 14 years together
9. living close to where I work
10. getting to see my kids there every day
11. all the modern conveniences in my house
12. climbing into bed with freshly washed sheets
13. being able to set reminders on my phone
14. living in a neighborhood where my kids have half a dozen friends just outside their door
15. every single time my husband helps around the house
16. tissues with lotion
17. being able to park in my garage
18. when I miss a call, and they send a text instead of leaving a voice mail
19. that my mom taught me the value of good manners and thank you notes
20. that my dad taught me how to change a flat
21. seedless watermelon
22. the clearance rack
23. when something starts to spill, and I catch it
24. copy and paste
25. knowing that I am making a difference, I matter, and I am fulfilling God's purpose for me (Okay, so that's a Big Thing.  Still grateful for it every day.)

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