Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Random Reflections on: Marriage

-I love my handsome husband very very very much, but after fifteen years together, I still cannot get my boo to accept that he is severely fashion impaired and should not be attempting to style his own outfits, let alone for others, especially moi. Need proof? This is the exchange we just had:
HH: "Why are you standing in front of the hall closet?"
Me: "I'm trying to decide on a jacket to go with what I'm wearing to work tomorrow"
(HH begins to rifle through the hangers and triumphantly pulls one out)
HH: "Here, how about this one? It's sparkly, and I've never even seen you wear it"
Me: "That's because it's the tablecloth I put out in the dining room at Christmas"
And there ya go.

-On occasion, my Handsome Husband still likes to test the depth of my love and dedication to him. This morning it was a 6:45am shake awake and a request to retrieve the Q-Tip he had broken off deep in his ear canal. I came, I saw, I tweezed. 

-Five hours spent on a much overdue purging and organizing of the basement, two out of three rooms done. If you're wondering why I didn't ask my Handsome Husband to help, eleven years of marriage has taught me that we would have spent thirty minutes actually purging and organizing and the other 2.5 hours arguing over what he wanted to keep in case he "needs it someday". Nest Cleaner 1, Pack Rat -237

-Date Night. Chinese, Verizon store, jammie movie night in bed. Cuz that's how we roll.

-Took the Girl Child after-Christmas shopping, and left the Boy Child at home with Daddy, who was instructed to feed the boy lunch. Came home to find TBC eating a chip sandwich that "daddy let me make all by myself". Somehow this was not what I had in mind.

-A new chapter in the life of the Rushings begins with the addition of the "Work From Home Husband", when the Hubby relocates his business to our basement. This could either go really well and create lots of beautiful marital moments for the two of us or cause me to take up drinking in the middle of the day. Place your bets and stay tuned...

-I was stripping the sheets off the bed and found six bucks in my pillowcase. While finding money is always nice, if my husband left it there, I'm more than a little concerned that my game is slipping

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